Personal Training After the Teenage Years

    Many of my patients express an interest in personal training and come prepared with how-to questions. Often we wonder, “Which regimented activities would maximize productivity while at the gym?” In addition to this concern, we must remember that our training habits and set goals should be different today than they were at the age of [...]

    By |2016-11-20T20:24:45+00:00June 11th, 2016|Exercise, Wellness|0 Comments

      Weight Management and Its Importance in Chiropractic

      Let’s discuss the importance of weight management. Occasionally looking at ourselves and saying “I need to lose weight” can be challenging and morally deflating. However, recognizing that we are able to improve our life style and then doing so, can promote a positive mental outlook and a longer, healthier life. The spine and its long [...]

      By |2016-12-05T01:17:21+00:00May 11th, 2016|Wellness|0 Comments

        Use Chiropractic Care to Support Spring Sport Performance!

        With spring and better weather comes an increase in sports and outdoor activities. Many of us have already begun to prep ourselves for increases in outdoor spring sports like golf, tennis, and swimming. Begin with short walks to jogs to increase your cardio endurance. This helps to maximize your spring sports efficiency and performance. Using [...]

        By |2016-11-20T20:16:12+00:00March 16th, 2016|Exercise, Wellness|0 Comments

          Diabetes and the Holidays: What You Need to Know

          With the passing of Thanksgiving comes the beginning of the holiday season. Many of us have put off monitoring our body weight and body mass index. Extra weight and increased body mass increases the possibility of long-term diseases, such as Diabetes. Diabetes triggers lots of unwanted symptoms, including Heart Disease, Arterial Sclerosis, kidney failure, and [...]

          By |2016-11-20T20:10:48+00:00November 30th, 2015|Diet and Nutrition, Wellness|0 Comments

            4 Tips to Shovel Snow without Throwing Out Your Back

            As we all found out in 2010, winter in the Washington DC area often brings snow and ice. Here are tips to help you avoid injury when clearing your sidewalk: Use your knees: When shoveling, use your knees and legs and avoid bending from your trunk. This will decrease the impact on your back. Shovel [...]

            By |2016-11-20T20:05:28+00:00January 11th, 2015|Exercise, Wellness|0 Comments
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